How to bring you the best results

At BHR we are well known for placing great importance on the level of collaboration we bring to each project. After all, it is your vision we are looking to bring to life, and your goals we want to help attain.

You don’t get either unless you’re prepared to talk extensively to the client you’re working with!

Clarity and Communicating

Collaboration in construction is about ensuring clear communication channels are in place. That allows us to get really clear about the goals you’re aiming for, about what you want from the project. It lets us see understand how we can best use our experience to help achieve your ideal outcome.

We apply that same communication with our supplier chain. With their help we can more readily recognise ideas and things we can invest in, or offer, that are beneficial to the project. Great supplier relationships can help to ensure the timely availability of the materials. After all, you can’t successfully complete a project to stipulated standards without the right stuff arriving on time.

We lead by example, organising great structural and commercial arrangements, as well as properly highlighting the expectations that work to help us collaborate effectively.

Architect and Construction worker shaking hands on building site

Building Relationships

We’ve found that client appreciation of our approach leads squarely to repeat business, and better, even more collaborative relationships. These are more fulfilling and successful and do lead to people and organisations wanting to work with us again.

In today’s world where business transactions are described as B2P rather than B2B, this is growingly important.

Buildings are becoming increasingly complex and require more design input from specialist suppliers – true and thorough collaboration is essential across the whole chain. There is increasing fragmentation of the industry as demonstrated by the growth of specialist suppliers/contractors.

On our larger or more complex projects, responsibility and performance generally cascades down the supply chain to a plethora of suppliers, possibly unknown to those at the top of the chain.

Let’s Communicate

For BHR, completing a project on time, on spec and under budget is our primary objective. We involve everyone in that same ethos and this is what leads to our reputational success.

We start with building a true alliance with our client. Then we deliver exceptional results.

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